You meet people who look at you and they insult religion the insult you this is not because they do not like you this is not because they mean what they are saying it is because in their heart, they have gone to hardness, and they have misled themselves, and they do not even realize it because Allah says in the Qur'an you won't even realize why you are like that and his solution is on  all he has to do good news again all he has to do, Allah says in the Qur'an and the tafsir from ibn qayyim al-jawziyyah he says it's from a distance he is saying to you run back it can not get more romantic and beautiful than that i don't want you to go come back and the moment you make repentance and you be saying Allah forgive me do you feel it Thee burning? Do you feel the eyes welling up sometimes?You feel the heart when you are going to pray you can feel the emotion coming.this is not you can not decide I want to repent you can not decide I want to be forgiven this is him, and he puts khushoo in your heart, and he pulls you just took instant, and he guided the rest you just instigated the slightest bit of your heart towards him, and he says think of me I will think of you come to me I will come to you walk to me, I will come to you at speed who's else can remove the sins and forgive you except Allah A believer is certain that I just repented and Allah has forgiven me that is a fard, it is a must, it is obligatory that you believe that I made repentance and Allah has forgiven me I am engineered, I am I.t engineer, he is a doctor he is this, she is that Allah says I am I forgive sins and I accept repentance he will definitely forgive you and he will definitely accept your repentance run back to me  you were walked far away when you commit sins you go away from your lord, run back to that beginning, the fitra polishe your heart remove the black spots and come back and I will forgive you he says I am in love with those who repent so long as my slave continues to come back to me so long as he realizes I am a forgiving lord oh my angels bare witness I will forgive him no matter what he dose.

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